Australian flowers ポスト Australian flowersAstartea fascicularisAstarter fassicularis (scientific name:Astartea fascicularis) is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Myrtaceae native to Australia. In the spring of round pink small 5 or 6-petaled flowLilac hibiscusBlue Hibiscus or Lilac hibiscus (Scientific name: Alyogyne huegelii) is a non-cold evergreen shrub in the family Malvaceae, native to Australia. Blue hibiscus is also known as lilac hibiscus because Rock isotomeIsotoma, scientific name:Isotoma axillaris , is native to Australia and is an evergreen undergrowth of the family Campanulaceae. For a long period from spring to autumn, it continues to bloom star-shaCordyline strictaCordyline stricta (scientific name:Cordyline stricta) is native to Australia, is the agave Department of cordyline evergreen shrubs. As also called aodrasena (blue dracaena) because leaves are green. ScheffleraSchefflera arboricola , commonly called as Schefflera , or Umbrella tree (scientific name: Schefflera arboricola) is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen shrub of the family Araliaceae from China, Taiwan aDendrobiumDendrobium (Scientific name: Dendrobium spp.) is evergreen perennial of the family Orchidaceae. It is not as expensive as a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis), it is an everyday flower. Leaves are not as longAcacia dealbataAcacia dealbata, commonly called mimosa, or silver wattle (scientific name: Acacia dealbata) is native to Australia and is semi cold-resistant evergreen tall tree of the family Fabaceae. Acacia dealbaAcacia baileyanaAcacia baileyana (scientific name: Acacia baileyana) is native to New South Wales in Australia and is an evergreen tall tree of the family Fabaceae. In the early spring, it does expand the general infBaobabBaobab (scientific name: Adansonia) is a native of Africa etc. It is deciduous trees of thefamily Malvaceae. It is famous as a tree emerging from the prince of the lord (San Tejuperi). The thick trunk Grey CottonheadGrey Cottonhead (scientific name: Conostylis candicans 'silver sunrise’ ) is native to Australia and is a perennial of the family Haemodorumidae. It grows naturally in the southwestern part of WesternRhodanthe chlorocephalaRhodanthe chlorocephala , scientific name: Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea, is a perennial grass of the Rhodanthe genus , of the family asteraceae native to Australia. Plant 15-20 cm and the branVerticordia plumosaVerticordia plumosa (scientific name: Verticordia plumosa) is native to Australia, and is a non cold-resistant evergreen shrub. It grows naturally in the hills of the coastal shores of the west to theGeleznowia verrucosaGeleznowia verrucosa ( scientific name: Geleznowia verrucosa) is an endemic species of Western Australia and is an evergreen shrub of the family Rutaceae. It is also called 'Yellow Bell's, or GeleznoPaper CascadePaper Cascade (scientific name: Rhodanthe anthemoides cv. Paper Cascade) is one of the varieties of the Anthemoides species "Rhodanthe anthemoides" and a late variety. It is a perennial herb of the RhAcacia baileyana 'purpurea'Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' (scientific name: Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea') is a variety of Acacia baileyana (scientific name: Acacia baileyana) which is a semi-hard-resistant evergreen tree of the lFaPandorea jasminoidesPandorea jasminoides, the bower of beauty, bower vine, bower plant, pandrea or Sokei nouzen, scientific name: Pandorea jasminoides, is New South Wales and Queensland in Australia native and is woody cHelichrysum bracteatumHelichrysum bracteatum , commonly called as Golden everlasting. Strawflower, or bracted strawflower, scientific name: Helichrysum bracteatum, is a semi-dwarfing annual herb of the family Asteraceae naAmyema scandensAmyema scandens, (scientific name:Amyema scandens), is native to New Caledonia and Australia, and is a semi-parasitic shrub of the family Loranthaceae. It lives in a dense jungle that infests the stemOctopus treeOctopus tree (scientific name: Schefflera actinophylla) is an evergreen middle tall tree of the genus Schefflera in the family Araliaceae native to Australia and New Guinea. It is the origin of the na Dendrobium speciosumDendrobium speciosum Common name: Dendrobium speciosum, Scientific name: Dendrobium speciosum, Place of Origin: Australia.Leptospermum scopariumLeptospermum scoparium or New Zealand teatree (scientific name:Leptospermum scoparium) is a hardy evergreen shrub of the Myrtaceae family. The blossom is similar toones of plum and fower-color is red,Eucalyptus maideniiEucalyptus maidenii or commonly called as Maiden's Gum (Scientific name: Eucalyptus globulus ssp. Maidenii) is native to Australia and is an evergreen tall tree of Eucalyptus sp. It grows naturally inCurcuma lubeskenCurcuma rubescens (Curcuma rubescens) is a perennial plant in the family, native to Southeast Asia, such as India, and Australia. The stems are reddish purple in color. Small yellow flowers bloom beDendrobium smirie Dendrobium smilliae or the Bottlebrush Orchid (scientific name: Dendrobium smilliae) is a perennial plant native to Australia and New Guinea and belongs to the orchid family Orchidaceae. It is also caEucalyEucaly, scientific name:Eucalyptus, is an evergreen small trees of the Myrtaceae department of the Eucalyptus genus native to Australia. Tree grows quickly and becomes a 20 m in 10 years, but the globScaevola taccadaScaevola taccada , kusatobella (scientific name:Scaevola taccada) is a subtropical to tropical evergreen evergreen shrub in the family Goodeniaceae, which is native to Hawaii, Australia and Polynesia.Grevillea banksiiGrevillea: A Unique Plant Native to Australia Grevillea (Grevillea banksii) is a semi-hardy evergreen shrub or small tree from the family Proteaceae, native to Australia and New Caledonia. It is also Queensland Bottle TreeQueensland Bottle Tree or narrow-leaved bottle tree (Scientific name: Brachychiton rupestris) is a unique species in the state of Queensland in the southeastern part of Australia, and it is the evergrPterostylis nanaDwarf snail orchid , scientific name:Pterostylis nana , is non-cold-resistant and non-heat-tolerant of deciduous perennials, ground orchids of the Orchidaceae department Pterostylis genus endemic to Syzygium smithiiSyzygium smithii (scientific name:Syzygium smithii) is native to Australia and is an evergreen tall tree of the genus Petrellae. The former scientific name was Acmena smithii (Akumena · Sumiti), whichNew South Wales Christmas BushNew South Wales Christmas Bush( scientific name: Ceratopetalum gummiferum) is an evergreen mid-high tree of thefamily Cunoniaceae from New South Wales, Australia. Like summer Christmas, in Australia, Banksia integrifoliaBanksia integrifolia , commonly called as Coast banksia (scientific name: Banksia integrifolia) is native to Australia and is an evergreen tree of the family Proteaceae. It grows from Queensland, eastSturt's Desert PeaSturt's Desert Pea(Swainsona formosa)HardenbergiaHardenbergia or called yine lilac (scientific name: Hardenbergia violacea) is an Australian native and is a semi-hardy, evergreen, afforested (fertile) shrub of the leguminous genus Hardenbergia. At fBrasenia schreberiBrasenia schreberi , commonly called as water shield, or Junsai (scientific name: Brassenia schreberi) is a perennial aquatic plant belonging to the family , native to North America, Asia, Australia aBoronia heterophyllaBoronia heterophylla (scientific name: Boronia heterophylla) is a semi-hardy evergreen shrub of the genus Boronia in the family Rutaceae, endemic to Western Australia. It is also known as pygmy lantePtilotus JoeyPtilotus Joey or Lams tails (scientific name: Ptilotus exaltatus 'Joey') is a horticultural variety of Ptilotus exaltatus (scientific name: Ptilotus exaltatus) in the family Amaranthaceae native to Eucalyptus populasEucalyptus populas (scientific name: Eucalyptus polyanthemos) is native to Australia. The leaf color is gray blue. It is also called “Malba Eucalyptus” because it has a round to heart-shaped leaf. UseAcacia cultriformiAcacia cultriformi, commonly Knife-leaf wattle, Knife Acacia, or Sankakuba acacia (scientific name: Acacia cultriformi) is native to Australia and is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Acacia. Oncidium ornithorhynchumOncidium ornithorhynchum (scientific name: Oncidium ornithorhynchum) is a small evergreen perennial epiphytic orchid of the genus Oncidium in the family Orchidaceae, native to Mexico, Guatemala, El SaDrosera binataDrosera binata (Drosera binata) is native to Australia and is a perennial, aquatic and carnivorous plant in the Moss family Droseraceae. It grows in wetlands and has glandular hairs on the tops ofWollemia nobilisWollemi Pine or the Jurassic Tree (scientific name: Wollemia nobilis) is a needle-leaved tall tree native to Australia and belonging to the genus Wollemia in the family Araucariaceae. It is said to beDicksonia antarcticaDicksonia antarctica ,soft tree fern, man fern, or Tasmanian tree fern, (scientific name: Dicksonia antarctica) is a large evergreen tree fern of the family Dixoniaceae, native to eastern Australia. IGrevillea 'Honey Gem' Grevillea 'Honey Gem' (scientific name: Grevillea banksii × Grevillea pteridifolia) is a species of evergreen shrub native to Australia, in the family Lamiaceae ( It is a cultivar of Grevillea, a semiBanksia integrifoliaBanksia integrifolia , commonly called as Coast banksia (scientific name: Banksia integrifolia) is native to Australia and is an evergreen tree of the family Proteaceae. It grows from Queensland, eastAlsophila australisAlsophila australis or rough tree fern, scientific name: Cyathea australis,, is native to Australia, and is a large evergreen tree fern of the family Cyatheaceaes. Common name: Alsophila australiAcanthus ilicifoliumAcanthus ilicifolium or Spiny Bears Breech, holly-leaved acanthus, sea holly, holy mangrove, Spiny Bears Breech (scientific name: Acanthus ilicifolium) is a small evergreen shrub native to Southeast Imperata cyindricaImperata cyindrica , cogongrass or Chigaya (Scientific name: Imperata cyindrica) is a perennial weed of the genus Imperata in the Poaceae family, native to Africa, Asia and Australia. It grows naturalSummer RedCorymbia 'Summer Red', (scientific name. ficifolia x C.ptychocarpa) is a small evergreen tree in the family Pterocarpaceae native to Australia. It is a cross between red flowering gum (Corymbia ficifo Tropical water lily 'Deep blue Flower'Tropical water lily 'Deep blue Flower' (Nympheae sp. cv. Deep Blue Flower Type ) is native to Australia and is an aquatic perennial of the hydrantaceae Lily genus. Tropical water lily has large flowerCallistemon speciosusThe "Flowers of Australia" is one of the original treasure troves of floral species. Many flowers you know have come over from this country. This brushwood (Callistemon, scientific name: Callistemon sCraspediaCraspedia (Scientific name: Craspedia globosa) is native to Australia and is a perennial grass of the family Asteraceae. From the rainy season to autumn, a yellow spherical flower blooms on the straig Other FeaturesSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.Feature: August purpleflowersFeature: August purpleflowers Purple Flowers Blooming in August There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statisHypericumHypericum-Hypericum patulum, Great St. Johnswort, Hidcote, Hypericum monogynum, Hypericum erectum, Chinense St.John's wort, Hypericum tosaense, Hypericum androsaemum 'Mystic Flare'Botanic Garden of Toyama Flowers at Botanic Garden of Toyama Plants in bloom in the greenhouse on April 30, 2023. There are the Pachypodium brevicaule), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Rafflesia arnoldii, Sida fallax,Cool flowerCool flowerInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes ra