March Red Flowers ポスト March Red FlowersCamellia 'Sado-wabisuke'Camellia 'Sado-wabisuke' (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Sado-wabisuke') is a small evergreen tree in the camellia familyTheaceae native to Japan. It is a variety of wabisuke that arose from a wiRed powderpuffRed Powder Puff (Scientific name: Calliandra haematocephala) is a tropical evergreen shrub of the family Fabaceae that makes hemispherical flowers like red cosmetic puffs bloom. What looks like a flowGarcinia sessilis|National Flower of TongaGarcinia sessilisGarcinia sessilis (scientific name: Garcinia sessilis) is an evergreen tree in the Hypericum family and is native to the Pacific region of Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga. It SchizanthusSchizanthus , commonly called as butterfly flower or poor-man's orchid (Scientific name: Schizanthus × wisetonensis) is an interspecific hybrid of Schizanthus, an annual or biennial herbaceous plant nPrimula obconicaPrimulas are listed in the "Primulas" section. Primula obconica, introduced here, is one of the representative primula varieties. Primula obconica (scientific name: Primula obconica) is a gardening vCamellia KagoshimaCamellia Kagoshima (Scientific name : Camellia japonica cv. Kagoshima) is a gardening variety of evergreen tree "Camellia" of the family Theaceae. Flowering is late blooming from March to May. In the Camellia EirakuCamellia Eiraku, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Eiraku, Camellia garden variety, height: 2-4 m, 3-4 blooms flowering, dark red, red stamens (filament), small to middle flower, single, tube AggHarlequin glory bowerHarlequin glory bower , scientific name:Clerodendrum thomsoniae, is native to West Africa and is an evergreen shrub of the Lamiaceae Department of Clerodendron genus. In the summer, red flowers with wAmyema scandensAmyema scandens, (scientific name:Amyema scandens), is native to New Caledonia and Australia, and is a semi-parasitic shrub of the family Loranthaceae. It lives in a dense jungle that infests the stem Camellia 'minato-no-akebono'Camellia minato-no-akebono' (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Minatonoakebono') is a horticultural variety produced by grading the Okinawa Prefecture's Himesazanka and Kanto Tsukimiguruma. It is aSarracenia courtiiSarracenia courtii(scientific name: sarracenia courtii) is a large, insectivorous perennial plant in the family Sarraceniaceae. It is a cross between S. purpurea and S. psittacina. The leaves turn redArctotisArktotis (Scientific name: Arctotis × Hybrida) is a semiarid cold perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to South Africa. From spring to summer, it blooms similar to Gerbera (Scientific name:Ilicium lanceolatumIlicium lanceolatum or shikimi (scientific name: Ilicium lanceolatum) is originally from China and is an evergreen shrub of the Schisandraceae department Illicium genus. It lets a crimson-colored florKibushiKibushi or Stachyurus praecox (scientific name: Stachyurus praecox) is native to Japan and is a cold-resistant deciduous shrub of the family Stachyuraceae. In winter, a thin string-like flower bud is Asian Beaked HazelCorylus sieboldiana, Asian Beaked Hazel or Tsunohassibami (scientific name: Corylus sieboldiana) is a deciduous shrub of the betulaceae. Honshu-the native of sunny in Shikoku mountains. InflorescencesFlowering quinceFlowering quince (scientific name: Chaenomeles) is a deciduous shrub of the rosaceae family of the chaenomeles genus. In the genus chaenomeles , there are a number of varieties. There are three kindSpiralis gingerSpiralis ginger or Costus spiralis (scientific name: Costus spiralis 'Strawberry Bud') is a native of Brazil and is a large perennial or shrub of the family Costaceae. Spiralis ginger is called becausErythrina variegataErythrina variegata or Deigo (scientific name: Erythrina variegata) is native Indian and is semi-cold resistant deciduous broad-leaved trees of the family Fabaceae. Before the spring leaves, extend tKalanchoe pinnata,Kalanchoe pinnata, commonly known as leaf, goodluck leaf, happy lea, miracle leaf (scientific name: Kalanchoe pinnata) is a succulent perennial plant native to Madagascar, belonging to the Kalancho Tulip 'Little Princess' The native tulip 'Little Princess' (Tulipa Little Princess, scientific name: Tulipa cv. Little Princess) iis native to Kazakhstan and other parts of Central Asia and is one of the original species of Brazil DiegoBrazil Diego (scientific name:Erythrina speciosa) is deciduous shrub of the Fabaceae department Erythrina genus native to southeastern Brazil. It makes red flowers such as tang of dark pink fruit likeAechmea calyculataAechmea calyculata (scientific name: Aechmea calyculata) is an evergreen, perennial, epiphytic plant native to southern Brazil and northeastern Argentina in the genus Aechmea of the family BromeliaceaWall flowerWall flower, scientific name: Erysimum cheiri, is a semi-cold-resistant one and two years grass in the family Brassicaceae. It is similar to stock (scientific name: Matthiola incana) and has fragranceIxora duffiiIxora duffii (scientific name: Ixora duffii) is a tropical evergreen shrub of the Rubiaceae family, from Sumatra Island. The leaves are large and wide, glossy and rounded. A large number of cruciform Iceland PoppyIceland Poppy (scientific name: Papaver nudicaule) is a cold- and heat-tolerant perennial (horticulturally, fall-sown annual) in the poppy family, Poppyaceae, native to Siberia and Europe. It is also Alpinia purpurataAlpinia purpurata or Red Ginger (scientific name: Alpinia purpurata) is native to the Pacific islands such as Malaysia and is evergreen perennial of the family Zingiberaceae. In monocotyledonous planCamellia SuzukayamaCamellia Suzukayama, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Suzukayama, Camellia garden cultivars, dark vermillion red, double and Peony,large flower (flower diamter:7~12cm), anthesis: from March tCamellia Mononofu-tsubaki Camellia Mononofu-tsubaki , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Mononofu-tsubaki, Camellia cultivars, red, medium to largesize(flower diamter:7~12cm), thousand-petaled, petal dissipate(one piece aCamellia KurotsubakiCamellia Kurotsubaki, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Kurotsubaki, Camellia cultivars, darkred, small to medium size(flower diamter:4~9cm), double-petaled , shiny valves, buds and shoots ver Camellia Chosen-tsubakiCamellia Chosen-tsubaki, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Chosen-tsubaki, is a kind of Camellia cultivars . General name:Camellia Chosen-tsubaki ,scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. ChosenCamellia O-nijiCamellia O-niji , scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. O-niji, is a variety of Camellia Akashigata ( scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Akashigata) . It lets crimson with white clouds-form, douCamellia Higo-momijigariCamellia Higo-momijigari , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Higo-momijigarii , is of the higo Camellia cultivars. Common name: Camellia Higo-momijigari, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv.Camellia Yamato-beni Camellia Yamato-beni , Scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Yamato-beni, Camellia cultivars Camellia Yamato-Beni ,Scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Yamato-beni, dark red, middle size, AgglutCamellia KumagaiCamellia Tori-no-ko (scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Kumagai) is a camellia garden cultivar. It is Edo old seed. Brilliant color, single and flat blooming, plum blossoms and pistils, large wheeEbine 'Orihime' Ebine 'Orihime' , scientific name:Calanthe discolor cv.Orihime, is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. Epacris longiflora Epacris Longhi Flora (scientific name: Epacris longiflora) is a native of Southeastern Australia and is a semi-evergreen evergreen small shrub (bush) of the Ericaceae. Expand branches freely in sub-alCamellia japonica 'Okesa-bayashi'Camellia japonica 'Okesa-bayashi'(Scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Okesa-bayashi') is a breed of a seedling, Niigata origin, red , red and white squeeze, double blooming, Peony bloom, middle size,AnthuriumAnthurium (scientific name:Anthurium andraeanum) is a non-hardy perennials of the taro Department Anthurium. It is flower looks like artificial flowers Flower (actually bracts colors) is is rich in reTulipa Red labelTulip 'Red label' (scientific name: Tulipa cv. Red label) is a gardening variety of " i> tulip " of the family Liliaceae. Red (flower color: Red), large flowers, middle stem (Plant lhaight: Mid Anthurium 'Red-butterfly'Anthurium 'Red-butterfly' (scientific name: Anthurium andreanum cv. red-butterfly) is a non-cold tolerant perennial in the family Araceae. It is an anthurium garden variety. Red-butterfly is 2 colors Rose 'Frankly Scarlet'Rose 'Frankly Scarlet' (scientific name: Roza cv. Frankly Scarlet) is a Floribunda (F) rose with early blooming, four seasons blooming, medium-ring, scarlet red, and half-sword valve high-core bloominCamellia MikasanomoriCamellia Mikasanomori, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Mikasanomori, Camellia cultivars , blooms with a mixture of red and white flowers on a single tree. Camellia horticultural cultivar, reTama peacock (Camellia)Tama peacock (Scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Tama peacock) is a large-flowered, double-flowered horticultural variety with a white wrapped ring on a red background. It was created by crossing Camellia Nanban-boshiCamellia japonica 'Nanban-boshi' (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Nanban-boshi') is a gardening variety of Edo camellia. Dark red petals with white star-shaped spots, small (flower diameter: 6 cmCamellia 'Satsumakurenai'Camellia 'Satsumakurenai' (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Satsumakurenai') is a dark crimson camellia with dahlia blooms and large flowers. This camellia has a three-dimensional look like a crims Hybrid tea rose 'Atsuhime rose'Atsuhime rose (scientific name: Hybrid tea rose 'achuhime rose') is a horticultural variety of a small shrub 'rose' in the family Rosaceae. These roses were selected as the centerpiece of the KagoshimPassiflora piresiiPassiflora piresii (scientific name: Passiflora cv. Piresii)is a half hardy evergreen vine and shrub of the family Passifloraceae native to Brazil. Passiflora piresii (P. piresii) is a horticultural vCamellia Nanban-koCamellia Nanban-ko, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Nanban-ko, is a camellia cultivars. Wood is strong and durable, long term, very large flowers that bloom. Outside petal's number is 5 and disPalm BromeliadPalm Bromeliad (Scientific name: Pitcairnia corallina) is a genus of evergreen perennials which is an evergreen perennial herb of the pineapple family Pitcairniaceae, native to Colombia, Peru and east Acer OrnatumAcer Ornatum(Scientific name: Acer palmatum var. matsumurae cv. Ornatum)Begonia semperflorensBegonia senpaflorence (Scientific name: Begonia semperflorens) is native to South America and is non-cold-resistant annual or perennial of the family Begoniaceae. The leaves are egg-shaped without serAkabana rurihakobe,Akabana rurihakobe,, scientific name:Anagallis arvensis L., is the primrose school year naturalized grass is native to Eurasia continent. Cymes extends from the axillary branches and the spread to thecrimson cloverCrimson clover 'Strawberry candle' (Scientific name: Trifolium incarnatum) is a southern part of Europe and is a non-heat and cold-resistant annual grass of the genus Pseudomonas. A red flower that reRose Gartenzer Bar '84Rose Gartenzer Bar '84 (scientific name: Roza cv. Gartenzauber '84) is a Floribunda (F) rose that blooms in four seasons, a medium ring, a deep red, and a sword valve high core. Breeded in 1984 by GerCamellia Kingyoba-TsubakiCamellia japonica 'Hiiragiba-tsubaki', scientific name: japonica 'Hiiragiba-tsubaki', Edo camellia, a kind of change leaves, red, small flower (flower diameter: 5 cm), single blooming, tubular stamensPrunus mume 'Sabashikou'Prunus mume 'Sabashikou' (Ume 'Sabashikou') is a cultivated variety of the deciduous small tree Ume (Japanese apricot, scientific name: Prunus mume), which belongs to the Rosaceae (rose family) and thGrevillea banksiiGrevillea: A Unique Plant Native to Australia Grevillea (Grevillea banksii) is a semi-hardy evergreen shrub or small tree from the family Proteaceae, native to Australia and New Caledonia. It is also Ixora macrothyrsaIxora macrothyrsa (scientific name; Ixora macrothyrsa) is an evergreen shrub native to Celebes Island and belonging to the family Rubiaceaee, genus Ixora. Since its introduction to Suriname from IndiaMalvaviscus penduliflorusMalvaviscus penduliflorus is a non-hardy, evergreen shrub of the genus Malvaviscus and is classified as a variety of Malvaviscus arboreus var. mexicanus. It is called Turk’s cap, Turk’s turban, Sleepi Ivy geraniumIvy geranium (scientific name:Pelargonium peltatum hybrids) is a horticultural geraniaceae half-Hardy half vine of Evergreen perennials "geranium" Ivy leaves. The leaves are similar to Ivy. Flowers flCamellia KomyoTsubaki Komyo, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Komyo, Camellia cultivars, dark vermillion red, giant size(flower size : over 13cm), single bloom, blooming plum core, open flat, anthesis: froCamellia TamadareCamellia Tamadare , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Tamadare ,Camellia cultivars, pale pink ground in dark red vertical aperture a little, large size ( flower diameter: 12 cm) , double‐petalGuarianthe skinneriGuarianthe skinneri 、Scientific name:, Guarianthe skinneV,i s a native of Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua in Central America, and is a native column of the genus Guarianthe in tRhododendron ‘Taiyo’Rhododendron ‘Taiyo’ (scientific name: Rhododendron ‘Taiyo’) is an evergreen shrub in the family Ericaceae. It is a heat-resistant variety called Super Roadie. Rhododendron ‘Taiyo’ was bred by KoichiCallistemon speciosusThe "Flowers of Australia" is one of the original treasure troves of floral species. Many flowers you know have come over from this country. This brushwood (Callistemon, scientific name: Callistemon sRonald Reagan RoseThe United States did not have a national flower, so Ronald Reagan, who was president at the time, designated the rose as the national flower. Ronald Reagan Rose (scientific name: Roza 'Ronald Reagan IshizuchiIshizuchi (scientific name: Camellia 'Ishizychi') is one of the horticultural varieties of camellia, named by Mr. Shigeichi Yagi in 1975. Flower color: peach-red, Flower diameter: large, Diameter: 9-1Primula julianaPrimula juliana (Primula × juliana) is a combination of Primula polyantha (P. polyantha) and Primula Juriae (P. juliae) native to Caucasus and is a small dwarf-hard and cold-resistant perennial plant PeaPoitea carinalis or Carib Wood (scientific name: Poitea carinalis), endemic to the Dominican Republic, is a wild, drought-tolerant, salt-tolerant, deciduous shrub of the genus Poitea of the Fabaceae f Camellia GekkabijinCamellia Gekkabijin ,scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Gekkabijin , is a type of Camellia azalea cultivars 'Beni-Myorenji' with the gradient from November to next March-blooming. Gekkabijinn meanHot LipsHot Lips (scientific name:Psychotria poeppigiana) is a shrub of the Rubiaceae family which is native to tropical rain forests of Central and South America, such as Colombia. Also known as Kiss of JungCamellia japonicaCamellia japonica or Tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica) is theaceae evergreen tree native to Japan. Flowers are grown from the Edo period in many horticultural varieties. Flowers from the neCamellia FukihimeCamellia Fuukihime, scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Fukihime,Camellia garden varieties , Cerise mixed with bright spots,large flower,double‐petaled(blooming in double) Camellia iwaneboriCamellia 'Iwane-shibori' (学名: Camellia japonica 'Iwane-shibori') is an Edo-era variety of camellia (Camellia japonica), belonging to the Theaceae family. It features deep crimson petals with white vaBlack Magic Rare Black-Red Camellia: Black Magic The Camellia 'Black Magic' (Scientific name: Camellia 'Black Magic') is an evergreen medium to tall shrub of the Camellia genus in the Theaceae family and is one Elatior BegoniaElatiol begonia (scientific name: Begonia hiemalis hybrids) is native to South America and is non-cold-resistant perennial (bulb) of the family Begoniaceae. It is a hybrid variety of Begonia and BegonStellataKikumomo or Stellata(Scientific name: Prunnus persica cv. Stellata, Synonims: Amygdalus persica cv. Stellata), is one of the horticultural varieties of "Hanamomo (scientific name: Prunus persica)" witKinki-mamezakuraKinki-mamezakura (scientific name: Cerasus incisa var. kinkiensis) is a small broad-leaved tree of the genus Prunus in the rose family Rosaceae. The Koshi no Higanzakura (Cerasusu x subhirtella 'KoshiOdontoglossumOdontoglossum is an evergreen perennial plant of the family Orchidaceae native of the Central and South America Andes. It is strong in cold and is the epiphytism orchid which is vulnerable to heat. Od Begonia Dragon WingBegonia Dragon Wing (Scientific Name: Begonia x hybrida Dragon Wing) is a hybrid species from South America, belonging to the family Begoniaceae in the order Violales. It is a perennial herb with an uCoral plantCoral plant (scientific name: Russelia equisetiformis) is native to Mexico and is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Plantaginaceae. From a long and narrow stalk similar to common horsCamellia sasanquaCamellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is a Japanese unique species and is an evergreen wide-leaved tree of the family Theaceae. In Japan, it grows naturally in mountainous areas of HPrimula polyanthaPrimula polyantha (Scientific name: Primula polyantha) is a gardening variety of the family Primulaceae. It is a cross between Primula beris and Primula vulgaris (Primrose), and is a breed of primrosePelargoniumPelargonium or Fancy Geranium , scientific name:Pelargonium grandiflorum , is native to South Africa and is a heat-resistant, non-drying, non-cold-resistant, evergreen perennial herb of the genus PelaOncidiumOncidium (Scientific name: Oncidium hybrids) is a native of Latin America and is a permanent orchid of evergreen perennials of the family Orchidaceae. Bloom bright red flowers with long butterfly shapTerutebeniTerutebeni , Hana momo ( scientific name: Prunnus persica cv. Terutebeni) is a hardy deciduous shrub of the rosaceae family native to China and cultivated by Japan. It is kind of a peach admiring a flSchlumbergera truncataSchlumbergera truncata, as known as Christmas Cactus (scientific name: Schlumbergera truncata) is native to Brazil and is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen succulent plant of the family Cactaceae. It is AnemoneAnemone (scientific name: Anemone spp.) is a perennial of the family Ranunculaceae native to the Mediterranean coast. In recent years many garden cultivars have been breeded, ranging from dwarf varietLeptospermum scopariumLeptospermum scoparium or New Zealand teatree (scientific name:Leptospermum scoparium) is a hardy evergreen shrub of the Myrtaceae family. The blossom is similar toones of plum and fower-color is red, Garden nasturtiumGarden nasturtium (scientific name: Tropaeolum majus) is a non-hardy vine perennial of family Tropaeolaceae native to South America. Yellow flowers bloom for a long period from spring to autumn. TherCamellia japonicaCamellia japonica or Yabu-tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica L.) is an evergreen tall tree of the family Theaceae. Simply speaking of camellia, it refers to this species. The original speciesCyclamenCyclamen , scientific name:Cyclamen persicum, is a half-hardy bulbous plant of the Primulaceae family native to the Mediterranean. Leaves on long petioles and form has a heart-shaped leaves. Leaves arCallaCalla , scientific name: Zantedeschina Hybrids, is a hardy perennials plant of the Araceae geneus Zantedeschina native to South Africa. A flower-centered yellow part attracts florets and generates aBellis perennisDaisy (scientific name:Bellis perennis) is annual plant of cold resistance, the non-heat resistance of the Asteraceae department Bellis genus. It is perennial plant, but is treated as an annual plant Egyptian StarclusterEgyptian Starcluster , called Pentas, or Pentas lanceolata, scientific name: Pentas lanceolata , is a non-cold-resistant or is an annual grass of the Rubiaceae family native to Madagasar, tropical AfPlumeriaPlumeria (Plumeria, scientific name: Plumeria sp.) is native to the West Indies, and from Guatemala, Mexico, and is a fallen leaf or evergreen small shrub of the apocynaceae family. In summer to autumPea of TutankhamenPea of Tutankhamen (scientific name: Pisum sativum 'Pea of Tutankhamen') is native to Mesopotamia and is an annual grass of the family Fabaceae. It is called mysterious peas. It is regarded as descendUmeUme or Japanese apricot , scientific name: Prunus mume , is deciduous small tree of the department Rosaceae Prunus genus native to China. Before the open leaf shoots in early spring, fragrant flower bIxora chinensisIxora chinensis or commony called as Chinese ixora (scientific name: Ixora chinensis) is a tropical evergreen shrub in the family Rubiaceae native to southern China to Malaysia. A red-orange colored c SuoubaiSuoubai (scientific name: Prunus mume 'Suoubai') is a classic cultivar of the deciduous small tree "Prunus mume" of the genus of Prunus, cultivated since the Edo period. It is a hanaume(flowering plumFreesiaFreesia (Freesia, scientific name: Freesia refracta) is a native South African, semi-cold resistant bulb plant of the family Iridaceae Freesia. In the spring, extend the spikes from flower stalks and Chrysanthemum morifoliumA list of species of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is shown in the "Special Feature: Chrysanthemums" section. Chrysanthemum morifolium or Florist's daisym, scientific name:Chrysanthemum moHibiscus Hibiscus (Hibiscus, Scientific Name:Hibiscus hybrids, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis,) is a shrub native to Vanuatu, belonging to the Malvaceae family and the genus Hibiscus. It is the national flower of SudaSarracenia leucophyllaSarracenia leucophylla, aka the white-topped pitcher plant, or crimson pitcherplant (scientific name: Sarracetnia leucophylla) is native to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in North America, and the faPeachPeach ( Scientific Name: Amygdalus persica, Synonym: Amygdalus persica) is a deciduous fruit tree of the Rosaceae family and the Amygdalus genus, originally from China. In English, it is called Peach.KagoshimakoKagoshimako (Scientific name: Prunus mume 'Kagoshimako') is a cultivar of the small deciduous 'Japanese apricot (scientific name: Prunus mume) ' of the Rosaceae family. Its trunk is curved and its braPrunus persicaPrunus persica or Hana peach , Hana momo ( scientific name:Prunnus persica) is a hardy deciduous shrub of the rosaceae family native to China and cultivated by Japan. It is kind of a peach admiring a Triplaris cumingianaTriplaris cumingiana, Ant tree, Long John, Mulato tree(Triplaris cumingiana) is a tall evergreen tree of the genus Triplaris of the family Polygonaceae, native to Costa Rica and Ecuador in tropical AlstroemeriaAlstroemeria (scientific name: Alstroemeria L.) is a cold resistant bulb plant of the family Aristolomeria of the family Yurizuensen that grows naturally in the cold district of the Andean South Ameri Stictocardia beraviensisStictocardia beraviensis, Hawaiian Sunset Vine, Hawaiian Bell or Braveheart Vine (scientific name: Stictocardia beraviensis) is native to the Republic of Madagascar, and is a member of the family ConvPincushion Pincushions (scientific name: Leucospermum spp.) are tropical evergreen shrubs from the Proteaceae family, native to South Africa. They are also known as Leucospermum, Pin Cushion Protea, and sometime Other FeaturesMay White Flower List2 May White Flower List2 List of white flowers in May, Part 2 ( Kagiken Hana Zuka、Kagiken Flower book) There were 383 species of white flowers in bloom in May that were included in the KagikenNovember Pink-colored FlowersNovember Pink-colored Flowers There are pink flowers that bloom in November. Of the 143 flowers collected this time, 17 were from the Asteraceae family, 17 from the Rosaceae family, and 14 from theIndian FlowersIndian FlowersProteaceaeProteaceae Representative flowers of the Proteaceae family include large tropical plants such as Grevillea, Pincushions, and King Protea, which are often used in luxurious flower arrangements and briFebruary Blue Flowerfebruary Blue Flowers February's blue flowers are joined by January's blue flowers, including flower chives (scientific name: Ipheion uniflorum) and standing dog scrotum (scientific name: Veronica arAutumn yellow flowersAutumn yellow flowers Yellow flowers are also abundant in autumn, although they are less abundant than those blooming in spring. Here yellow flowers are collected that bloom from September to Novembe