Features Red Berries

Features Red Berries
We have gathered various red berries. In nature, fruits tend to be round or oval-shaped, and square fruits are rarely seen, which might be due to natural laws. Red, round, and cute fruits are popular, but some are edible for humans, while others are not. In fact, most naturally occurring red fruits are not edible, and those that are usually have been cultivated as ornamental plants for a long time.
Edible red fruits include apples, strawberries, tomatoes, goji berries, cherries, mangoes, pomegranates, bell peppers, watermelons, plums, mulberries, cranberries, and blackberries. Some, like blackberries, are best eaten when they turn black, as the red stage is often too sour to eat.
Generally, "fruit" refers to all edible fruits, but they are classified into fruits and vegetables.
"Fruits": These are fruits that grow on trees and are typically sweet and can be eaten raw, such as apples (a false fruit).
"Vegetables": These are fruits that grow on plants and are also sweet and can be eaten raw, such as watermelon, strawberries, and tomatoes.
Within vegetables:
Fruit vegetables: Tomatoes.
Fruit-like vegetables: Strawberries, watermelon (a false fruit).
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